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  • Treellion dolphins selfie 062023

    If Statues Could Talk: The Treellion Park Dolphins

    Tales of the City: urban legends come up just with a stroll around Koh Pich park.

  • Aquation restaurant international 2

    A Journey Around My Table

    While Cambodia is going global, Aquation Restaurant takes you into a travel around international cuisines.

  • Tin 6

    Trash is Nice: No Greenwash

    Small is beautiful, and trash can be nice -- how to help in single-use plastic recycling at citizen level.

  • Tpl team party20232

    Templation: Seven and a New Year

    Shortly before Khmer New Year (Year of the Rabbit), Templation team was celebrating the resort's seventh anniversary.

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    Proud To Be Women at Templation Angkor Resort

    Every International Women's Day is an opportunity to pause and reflect on women's empowerment at the workplace.

  • Mwine treellion aug2022 17

    A Wine in The Park

    Monsieur Wine, an ode to the diversity of French wines, has just opened at Treellion Park, Koh Pich. Discovering lesser-known yet memorable vintages is now as…

  • Chakriya2

    Mixology in Rebooted-Reboosted Siem Reap

    Templation star barista Chakriya aiming at the finals of the 'Mapping The Mekong' Seekers Cocktail Contest.

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    Youthful Tradition

    A performance full of creative energy and youthful rendition of Cambodian classical performing art by the Princess Buppha Devi Dance School.

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    Happy Women’s Day from Templation Team!

    Since its opening in December 2015, Templation Angkor Resort empowers women within its team and through community involvement. More than ever, the women (and…

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    Classic Car Sunday

    A monthly event for vintage and collectible vehicles.

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