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  • Bernard 10


    Meak Bochea, the Khmer festival of the full moon in the third month of the lunar calendar, is intensely celebrated around the country. Photographer La Mo…

  • IMG 20181217 164142

    "Proud to Be A Woman"

    To mark International Women's Day, we've asked women in leading positions at Maads Hotels how they celebrate Women’s Day.

  • Flowers psah thmei3

    Valentine's Day Giveaway

    Win at MAADS Luxury Stay Giveway on Instagram ! In honor of the season of love, we're offering four lucky couples a truly romantic experience at three of…

  • Lunarnewyeareng2

    Luck, Spring and the Lunar New Year

    Firecrackers and the red color chase the demons away. Tree blossoms symbolize the coming of Spring. All around Asia, people welcome the Lunar New Year, Year of…

  • Beatrichnersacredance 3

    Popular emotion after the demise of Kantha Bopha founder

    Official mourning, tribute at the Health Ministry, and a vast, spontaneous emotion among the people of Cambodia: the lasting legacy of Beat Richner…

  • Channiver3

    Gourmet Food, Music and Dance for the 114th Anniversary

    One of the oldest buildings in Phnom Penh remains more alive than ever, attracting foodies, fashion shoots and fans of romantic atmosphere.

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    Women's Day 2018: Best Wishes

    A vibrant message of hope by fashion model and influencer Kongka Chan.

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