The Cambodian Space Project (CSP) is recognised as one of the few truly Aussie Asian hybrids in contemporary music. Since 2009, it has been at the forefront of an astonishing cultural revival in Cambodia, since singer Channthy Kak & musician Julien Poulson teamed up in Phnom Penh, to sing back to life the lost divas & rock legends of Cambodia’s golden age of music, all but wiped out by the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime.
The Cambodian Space Project sound is definitely for the 21st century, mashing tradition with rock’n’roll, rare groove, soul, & trippy visual spectacle. They perform re-imagined Khmer classics, alongside originals speaking of Cambodia today like Not Easy Rock’n’roll, Have Visa No Have Rice, and Whisky Cambodia.
This performance at Chinese House is hosted by Kampot Readers & Writers Festival កម្មវិធី សិល្បះ វប្បធម៍ និពន្ធ និង អាន. Saturday 21/10/2017 from 8 pm.